Friday, November 13, 2009

Nursing soft clothes likes bra for Personal Durable


How To wash clothes Personals Durable:
I. Dry machine with rotating light. Use 'clothes in the bag',
2. Wash with cold water.
3. Dry hands to clothing 100% berenda.
4. Do not cow Board and personal clothing.
5. Do not use materials whiteners.
6. Drying in the shade and windy.

 If you are a parent you must know How to measure for a bra? shelf girls and women training bra girls sizes to determine bra cup to fitting body and goodness nursing bra-parent must take action Read More...


How to measure for a bra? shelf girls and women training bra girls sizes to determine bra cup to fitting body and goodness nursing bra-parent must take action


Believe it or not, at least 80% of women wear bras that size does not fit, study shows 95% of most common errors that wearing bra cup size is too big or too small a cup size. Although most often as a 36C bra size, most people wear this size should be really good to impose 34D, 34DD, 32DD or 32E bra.
that most people actually wear around bra size 34DD bra.

Change your bra size is usually in line with your body weight. Loss of several kilograms of weight or a few kilograms of body weight you indeed have the effect over your bra. Sometimes if you are wearing bras that sedah some time you feel uncomfortable. If it is natural that you better do your own inspection to ensure that the bra you are wearing is really match with your body.
How do you want to determine whether the bra sizes you are wearing now is not more suitable to you
following steps should be done to determine
Effect of wearing Bras that do not match:
• Bras raised in the rear.
• Check the red and the effects of tight rope.
• Breast and bra out the arm slightly.
If you often experience the following effects. follow these steps to help you get the next size suitable
BRA Appropriate:

Here's how to find your true bra size
Step I
I. Wear bras during measuring.

2 Survey around under the breast. If you get an even number. add 4 inches. If you get odd numbers. add 5 inches. For example:

If your measurement is     31” inches    odd numbers so
Add                             +  5”  inches     add 5 because odd number       
Your bra size is              36” inches

Step 2
1   Survey around the densest breast.

2   Compare this number with the size of your bra. If the same number, it means your cup size is A. If the difference 1 ". means your cup size is B and the next

How to determine your cup                bra cup size you are

Bra size +0"                                                     A
Bra size +1"                                                     B
Bra size +2"                                                     C

Bra size +3"                                                     D
Bra size +4"                                                     E

*Make sure the underwire encloses your whole breast and lies flat against your rib cage

Your bra  equipment is so sensitive  nursing bra must be taken to guard or guide your bra hold longer or have longer life


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Positive Parenting


Having kids are one of life's miracles that nothing can ever come close to. Kids are gifts and a product of you and your spouse's love after all right?
If you are the mother, you carried your baby in your womb for nine months. If you are the dad, you anxiously waited for the baby to come out. And when your baby came out, such unspeakable joy came from your hearts. No wonder that you became more in love.
If you think that having babies and kids are simple as singing lullabies to them, you are wrong. Raising kids mean raising another generation. A big portion of the responsibility of raising societies lies in your hands. So do you get how parenting goes?
New parents are anxious excited about being a parent. Parents who have grown up kids usually will say, "Finally". Well, being a parent has no retirements. Once a parent, always a parent. Even if your kids will be parents, you are still a parent. No one can ever take that away from you.
Positive parenting is something that parents should understand and practice. Instead of thinking about the punishment for faults of children, parents should focus more on how to nurture their kids the positive way.
Positive parenting and discipline is the parents' responsibility. You do not pass the parenting to care givers or the teachers or your neighbors. You as parents are the main authority in parenting and disciplining.
In discipline, both parents should be consistent. If one says that something is not allowed, the other parent should stick to the statement that it is indeed not allowed. Positive parenting requires both parents to set their rules and discipline strategy together. Positive parenting is not just about a mother to her kids. It is also not just a father to his children. Positive parenting works if both the parents are involved.
Children are naturally adventurous and they love to explore. Because of this, children may do things that are wrong but yet they do not understand. It is important for parents to be there for their kids to teach them what is right and what is wrong.
Discipline works best if parents are good examples. A child will naturally imitate older people. Children's eyes are always on the look for their parents' and other older people's actions. Parents need to be careful about this.
Positive parenting also requires that in disciplining, the parents should properly explain this to their children. Questions like, "Why did mommy slap your hand when you threw that glass on your playmate?" should be asked by parents in order for children to understand why they were reprimanded. Discipline in positive parenting starts when the kids are still babies. Babies as young as one year old can already understand some things. Discipline does not start during teenage years. Repairing is always difficult that disciplining early on.
Remember a famous quote, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Jane Artisan is a stay at home mom and has been writing articles and building websites on various topics for quite some time. Check out her newest on finding a diaper changing table. She built an information site on them.


A Parent's Instruction Manual


Parent Corner

Just when we seem to have parenting techniques that work with the first child we discover that they don’t work with the next. Wouldn’t it be great if children were born with instructions? When you understand your children’s perceptual styles, you’ll discover they really are born with an “instruction manual.”
Each of us is a unique combination of the Four Perceptions: Audio, Feeler, Visual, and Wholistic. When children are born, they are 100 percent Feelers. Although they will continue to have sensitive feelings during their formative years, their primary Perception will begin to reveal itself when they’re about six months old.
The following is an excerpt of a story that reveals how differently the child behaves based on his primary perceptual style.
The principal desire for AUDIO Children is to maintain personal control and a sense of fairness.
I was sitting in the allergist’s office when a woman entered with her four-year-old, Aaron, and his cousins, Carrie, 13, and Curt, 11. Immediately Aaron started acting silly. His mother told him to sit down and behave. “No!” he shouted and giggled.
He picked up magazines and threw them on the floor. “Pick them up and put them back,” his mother demanded. Aaron hurled them on the table and then noisily started rolling and kicking on the floor.
His mother glared. “Get up and sit down right now!” His seat barely touched the cushion before he was back on the floor again.
His mother said in a firm voice, “When we get home, we’re having a cookout and then we’re going swimming. If you don’t behave, you will eat in your room and stay there for the rest of the night. The choice is yours.”
The change in Aaron was instantaneous. “I’ll be good.”
Aaron’s actions were motivated by his desire to maintain personal control. He wanted to show off to his cousins. When his control of the situation was threatened, his emotions drove his reactions and he became defiant.
When Aaron’s mother gave him a choice, it allowed him to maintain personal control and he sensed the fairness.
The principal desire for FEELER Children is to please you or not make you angry.
For Feelers, their feelings drive both their actions and reactions. Here is a summary of the same scenario about Aaron, only this time he’s a Feeler.
Aaron was excited because his cousins were visiting. He started spinning around with his arms outstretched. Suddenly he lost his balance and crashed into the corner of the end table. “That’s enough!” his mother snapped. “Come over here and sit down right now.”
With his eyes lowered and shoulders hunched, he crept over to the chair in the corner. He drew up his knees and rested his head on his knees. Soon he quietly raised his head to wipe away a tear. Then he slid off his chair and pulled his shorts down to reveal the bruise to his mother while tears flowed and he whimpered, “I hurt myself.”
“I’m sure it hurts, but it will get better,” she said matter-of-factly.
Aaron threw his arms around his mother and said he was sorry. “It’s okay,” she said and smiled. Aaron glowed. All was right with his world. His mother wasn’t mad at him. With a happy smile, he said, “I love you.”
The principal desire for Visual Children is for everything to be perfect, just as they visualized it.
Visual children are usually obedient, unless they have to deal with an unexpected change. Then they might resist. Let’s revisit Aaron as a Visual child.
Aaron was excited because his cousins were visiting. “Let’s play!” he thought. He leaned against his cousin, Curt, and started pushing on his knees. Curt playfully pushed back Aaron’s shoulders.
Aaron pushed harder. Curt returned the shove a little too hard and Aaron suddenly plopped on the floor. He giggled loudly and started pushing his cousin’s legs with his feet.
“Stop that,” Curt demanded. Aaron pushed again. This was fun!
“Aaron,” his mother said sternly, “get up and sit down next to me.”
Aaron climbed on to the chair. While he looked down at the floor, humiliation engulfed him. What must his cousins think of him?
When his mother’s name was called, she got up to leave. Aaron quickly slid out of his chair and tearfully ran toward her. She turned and said, “You can stay and Carrie can read to you.”
“But we always go together!” Aaron wailed. His mother stretched out her hand and he gratefully took it. She realized he wanted to do what they usually do, get their shots together. Visuals like routine because they can visualize what comes next.
The principal desire for Wholistic Children is to be treated like an adult.
Since Wholistic children see themselves as adults, usually they are well behaved unless they’re tired, bored or resentful. How different is Aaron’s story as a Wholistic.
Aaron ran over to the chairs and asked Curt to sit on one side of him and Carrie on the other. Aaron pointed out the children’s books. “I know all of them,” he boasted. “Would you like one?” Carrie nodded.
Carrie started reading but it was going too slowly for Aaron. “I’ll read,” he said. He took the book and started telling the story. He quickly zipped through all the books.
As the minutes ticked by, boredom struck. He crawled under Carrie’s chair. “I’m in my cave and if you get too close, I’ll eat you,” he squealed delightedly. He tickled the back of Carrie’s legs. She let out a yell and stood up. Aaron laughed uproariously.
He pushed his head against the back of Curt’s legs. “If you don’t open the door right now, I’ll bite you!” Curt parted his legs and Aaron squirmed through. The game was over.
Restlessness swept over Aaron again. He heard thunder and perked up. “Can I go see the storm?”
Carrie volunteered to take him. He instantly went from looking completely wilted to gleefully running to the door.
Soon he burst into the room. “Mommy, you should see the rainbow. Hurry before it goes away!” Ah, the wonderful, exciting world of new things to explore and investigate. And he was standing tall as his mother placed her arm around his shoulders.
When you recognize how each perceptual style influences actions and reactions, this insight helps you accept your children as they are instead of comparing them to other children. All children respond to love and acceptance.
Carol Welsh, M.S. is the author of “Stop When You See Red.” She has over 25 years of experience as a speaker and is a frequent guest on talk shows. Her Web site is

